
anuncio patrocinado

Disclaimer – Job Freedom

I certify that, as the owner and administrator of the Job Freedom website, I establish the following disclaimer provisions for all users who access and use the services offered through this website:

General information:

Job Freedom is an online platform that makes it easy for job seekers and employers to connect. All information provided on the website is for informational purposes and may be changed without prior notice.
Information Accuracy:

While we strive to keep the information on the website accurate and up to date, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any content. Users are encouraged to verify the information themselves.
User Responsibility:

By using Job Freedom, users agree to assume full responsibility for the accuracy and updating of their personal information. They also recognize that the decision to pursue employment opportunities is their own responsibility.
Employer’s Responsibility:

Employers are responsible for providing accurate information about employment opportunities. Job Freedom assumes no responsibility for any conflicts or disputes between employers and candidates.
Proper Use:

Users agree to use Job Freedom in an ethical and legal manner, respecting applicable laws. Any misuse of the website or violation of the established terms will result in termination of access.
Interruptions and Technical Failures:

Job Freedom is not responsible for temporary interruptions or technical failures that may affect the availability of the website. We will make reasonable efforts to maintain continuity of service, but we do not guarantee uninterrupted access.
By accessing and using Job Freedom, users acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer. We reserve the right to modify or update these provisions without prior notice. We recommend that users periodically review this disclaimer to be aware of any changes.