Job for Cook/Housekeeper

anuncio patrocinado

Cook/Housekeeper Job New York

Live programming Monday through Friday in NYC during September through April / live Wednesday Sunday Ridgefield CT during May through August
Location NYC and CT
Salary of $85k to 90k gross
The family consists of 2 adults
Family offers private bedroom and bathroom
Current employees, cleaner

Job Information Requirements/Duties:
Must have very good culinary and domestic skills with previous experience working in formal Kosher residences with verifiable references. Other qualifications include fluent English, great communication skills and meticulous. We are looking for someone with an entrepreneurial personality.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to

anuncio patrocinado

*Great culinary skills, able to follow recipes, create menus. Kosher home
*Complete cleaning, laundry, ironing duties

  • Able to work with suppliers, deliveries, contractors
  • Grocery shopping and running errands
    *Must speak fluent English

Interviews will be this week and work begins as soon as possible.
We must have verifiable references that we can contact!
As a Domestic Employment Agency, we strive to present Qualified Candidates!

For more information, call yulia at (212) 889-7505 or email

When looking for a job through job freedom, people have the opportunity to find work that motivates them and makes them feel professionally satisfied. This contributes to a more positive and rewarding work environment.

anuncio patrocinado

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