We are hiring servers

anuncio patrocinado

We are hiring servers Norwalk, Connecticut

-Speak English fluently
-Dress appropriately
-Be able to make many hand-pressed Margaritas in addition to all of our signature cocktails/drinks.
-Be able to learn sections, table numbers, how to ride the bus correctly, how to clear tables, and how to reposition merchandise before being able to take orders or cash.
-Be willing and able to learn and explain the menu to our customers.

-Learn how to use our POS system smoothly and without errors
-Receive orders over the phone with patience, ease and kindness
-Be able to clean and tidy and be approachable
-Introduce math skills efficiently when needed
-Be quick but thorough when finishing necessary tasks
-Be ready to clean, refill, sweep and mop at closing time

anuncio patrocinado

Lunch shift: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am – 4pm
Dinner shift: Tuesday to Sunday: 4pm – 10pm+

Submit your application in person: Corner, 493 CT Ave Norwalk CT 06854

When looking for a job through job freedom, people have the opportunity to find work that motivates them and makes them feel professionally satisfied. This contributes to a more positive and rewarding work environment

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