Job for House Cleaning Agent

anuncio patrocinado

House Cleaner Job Boston, Massachusetts

I am requesting people from the house cleaning area, who are very detail oriented people,
Organized, Punctual, Responsible and what is important with ambition to overcome.
I offer you a good salary, free weekends, adaptable hours and with
opportunity to grow. And if you are interested, fill out the form below.

If you want more information, you can write to me by email
Enter your phone number, full name and zip code.
It’s a pleasure to help you and I wish you the best of luck in your job search, I hope you become part of our family.

anuncio patrocinado

When looking for a job through job freedom, people have the opportunity to find work that motivates them and makes them feel professionally satisfied. This contributes to a more positive and rewarding work environment.a

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